Accounting, Tax, and Legal Services

Tariffs for individual services

Last Updated: January 7, 2025
Tax advice
All prices exclude VAT

General tax consultations:

  • Explaining the income- / gift- / inheritance tax position of the client.
  • Approximate calculation of taxes payable.
  • Highlighting risks and suggesting general strategies for their reduction.
  • Explaining the applicable compliance obligations.
  • General advice on potential tax optimization strategies.
from 250 EUR

Tax planning:

  • Discussing tax planning scenarios for income from employment, business, inheritance, and investments.
  • Estimating total tax liabilities across various scenarios.
  • Designing a high-level strategy to negotiate tax exemptions (ruling) with tax authorities.
  • Providing a check-list for primary documents for filing personal tax returns.
from 500 EUR
Personal income tax filing (form M / P)

  • Questionnaire-based case pre-check.
  • General tax consultation on filing and submission.
  • Request and review of primary documents.
  • Submission of the personal tax return.
from 300 EUR

Annual Report for a Sole Proprietor

(ZZP / Eenmanszaak):

  • Preparation of the annual report (jaarrekening) for accurate record-keeping and completion of the Personal Income Tax (PIT) return.
from 500 EUR
Personal Income Tax (PIT) filing for a Sole Proprietor (ZZP / Eenmanszaak):

  • Pre-check, questionnaire submission, and response analysis.
  • General tax consultation on filing and submission.
  • Request and review of primary documents.
  • Submission of the personal tax return, including the section on ZZP income and assets.
from 500 EUR
Limitations on PIT declaration
An additional margin is agreed upon with the Client prior to commencing the service
if in the personal income tax return:
Dutch real estate is declared

+ 100 EUR / object
fiscal partners are declared and a single return is filed:
+ 100 EUR
other assets / income are declared, so that the total tax return processing time is expected to go beyond 3 hours
a fixed margin based on an hourly rate
The most favourable rates/rates are offered to our subscription package clients:
The most favourable rates/rates are offered to our subscription package clients:

 Basic tax advice

from 100 EUR/hour
Pre-year end
tax planning
from 125 EUR/hour
Extra tax advice
from 150 EUR/hour
Drafting and filing of a VAT return
All prices exclude VAT

Standard VAT return

200 EUR

OSS B2C VAT return
275 EUR

Payroll administration
All prices exclude VAT

Wage withholding tax-number (loonheffingsnummer) registration

150 EUR
Payroll administration setup
50 EUR/employee
Standard wage withholding tax (loonaangifte) filing; preparation of payslips (loonstrook) and annual statements (jaaropgave).
25 EUR/employee (monthly)
Annual accounts drafting and filing to the KVK
All prices exclude VAT
  • Preparation of the ledger accounts
  • Drafting of the annual accounts report (jaarrekening)
  • Presentation of the annual report to the Client
  • Drafting of the minutes of the shareholders’ meeting / written resolution adopting the annual report
  • Filing of the annual report with the KVK
OpCo (Werk-BV) in B2B industry
900 EUR
OpCo (Werk-BV) in B2C industry
1200 EUR
Personal Holding Company
600 EUR
Drafting / submission of the amended annual accounts due to the changes submitted by the Client of which we were not and should not have been aware of
120 EUR/hour
Limitations on standard tariffs for the annual accounts preparation
Monthly processing limit
An additional margin is charged if the following limit for processing primary documents for the fiscal year is exceeded:

  • 60 purchase and sale invoices

  • 85 bank transactions

Operational B2B company (Werk-bv)

  • 240 purchase and sale invoices

  • 300 bank transactions
Operational B2C company (Werk-bv)

  • 600 purchase and sale invoices

  • 850 bank transactions
Maximum business volumes
An additional margin is charged if, on average, at least two of the following three business volume limits have been exceeded over the last 3 financial years:
Annual revenue:

900 000 EUR
Total balance sheet assets:
450 000 EUR
Average number of employees:
Drafting and filing of the CIT-return
All prices exclude VAT
  • Requesting a deferral of the filing from the Tax Authority (if needed)
  • Drafting of the CIT-return (vpb-aangifte) in the Exact Online software
  • Presentation of the CIT-return to the Client
  • Filing of the CIT-return
OpCo (Werk-BV) in B2B industry
900 EUR
OpCo (Werk-BV) in B2C industry
1200 EUR
Personal Holding Company
600 EUR
Limitations on standard rates for
the CIT-return preparation
Maximum business volumes
An additional margin is charged if, on average, at least two of the following three business volume limits have been exceeded over the last 3 financial years:
Annual revenue:

900 000 EUR
Total balance sheet assets:
450 000 EUR
Average number of employees:
The CIT-return service includes only the basic service of “as is” preparation. We quote and charge separately for the tax planning advice regarding the CIT-return. Standard hourly rates apply.

The CIT-return service includes only the basic service of “as is” preparation. We quote and charge separately for the tax planning advice regarding the CIT-return. Standard hourly rates apply.

Standard requests and intra-group corporate documents in the English/Dutch languages
All prices exclude VAT
Employment agreement with the Founder
(DGA arbeidsove-


400 EUR
Employment contract with an employee (arbeidsove-
300 EUR
Contract for the provision of company services by a freelancer (overeenkomst van opdracht)
300 EUR

Internship agreement (stageovereenkomst)

300 EUR
30%-ruling request (30%-beschikking verzoek) for the Founder to the Tax Authority
300-600 EUR
Tax ruling request for the Founder’s customary wage
(DGA salaris vooroverleg verzoek)
300-600 EUR

Short-term loan framework agreement between the Founder and the company (rekening-courantove-reenkomst)

300 EUR
Loan agreement between the Founder and the company (overeenkomst geldlening tussen DGA en BV)
300 EUR
Contract for the lease /use of the company’s bike/car by the Founder (overeenkomst (lease-) fiets/auto via de zaak)
300 EUR

Deed of contribution (cash or in-kind) into the additional capital of the company (akte van agiostorting)

300 EUR
Intra-group intellectual property assignment agreement (akte van overdracht en levering van intellectueel eigendom)
300-600 EUR
Intra-group IP license agreement between the Founder and the company (licentieovereenkomst)
300-600 EUR

VAT fiscal unity registration between werk-BV and holding-BV

300 EUR
The cost of preparing complex documents that require in-depth analysis/structuring is estimated separately based on hourly rates
150 EUR/hour
Management services agreement between werk-BV and holding-BV (managemento-
300-600 EUR
A discovery call or a tax consultation?
We will contact you as soon as possible


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